Saturday, May 17, 2008

Got Spocked

Hello people,

I am bringing you a sensational website that allows you to search for people on Internet. Yes it a people search engine where you can find information on your friends, family and relatives. The huge database of spock is the largest and the most accurate. It uses simple yet complex algorithms to collect useful data from the internet and sorts it into a database.

The most significant about spock was that i was able to find my Friend Amit Singh on spock. This was the most cherishing moment for me to find my school time buddy over internet. I also found another friend of mine Zed Lepper.

Indeed Spock is the most advanced, fast and reliable Poeple search engine on internet. I will rate it to be the best innovation on internet.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Lingeries for her

Taking a break from all technological and gadget news i shift a little to help my friends out there to have a big smile on the face of your lady love.

You know that lingeries are the only product that generally women buy but they prefer that their man buys it for them. They like you to go out there and buy them a sexy lingerie. So my friend what are you waiting for. Go ahead and buy a sheer lingerie for your love. Do not feel shy man. Just go ahead and get her a good comfortable lingerie. And believe me the look on her face and the way you will make out during night is just what i cannot explain to you.

I am sure that this will be your lucky day and for women who wear plus sized ones. There is no problem as even plus size lingeries look good after wearing. All it matters how you use your mood and build seduction.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Unlocking The Apple iPhone

Unlock IphoneRemove the black part, the three screws, and the aluminum case. Disconnect the wire connecting the phone to the case. Also remove the metal cover over the comm. board. This is all the disassembly you have to do. If you feel like being safe, de-solder the battery red lead.

The red line is covering the A17 trace. In order to trick the chip into thinking the flash is erased in the correct section, you will need to pull this high. Scrape away at the trace with something like a multimeter probe. Then solder a very thin wire to it. Be very careful. Only scrape away at that solder mask above that one trace. This is the hardest step in the whole process; the rest is cake. Also solder a wire to the 1.8v line. Connect to wire coming from the trace and the wire coming from the 1.8v to your unlock switch. Be careful, you only get one chance to do this right.

Time to test what you just soldered. First use the continuity check on a multimeter to make sure the wires aren’t shorting to ground or to each other. Make sure your switch is in the off position. Power up your iPhone. Hopefully it didn’t smoke :) Now go into minicom to tty.baseband and send a few commands, AT a few times will do. It should respond OK. Now flipApple Iphone your switch, the base band should stop responding. Even when you flip it back, the base band still shouldn’t respond. Be sure your switch is off, then open another Ssh and run “bbupdater -v” You can get bbupdater off the ramdisk. This should reset the base band, and minicom should start working again. If it did this, your soldering is most likely good, and you are ready to actually start unlocking your phone!!!

If it passed the checks in step 4, congratulate yourself. You are a pro soldered. Go eat lunch. If not, don’t worry yet. I must’ve thought I bricked my phone 100 times. First of all, to power up your phone you don’t need to reconnect the case with the power button. Just connect it with USB, it’ll power itself up. Secondly, don’t waste time compiling minicom.

This tool uploads a small program, “”, to the base band using the boot rom exploit. This program needs to be in neither a dir with “nor”, the file you obtained. You need to have the switch on when running this program. This will download and run the code in “” Then the program will stop and ask to turn off the switch. Do so. You type any character then hit enter. The nor download starts right away. When the counter reaches 0×2E4000, it is done. Run “bbupdater -v”. Hopefully it will return the xgendata. If is does, the nor upload was successful.

If you already used up your attempt counter, the phone should already be unlocked. If not just run ‘AT+CLCK=”PN”, 0,”00000000″. That will unlock the phone for sure. Run ‘AT+CLCK=”PN”, 2’. It should finally return 0!!!Your phone is now unlocked. Exit minicom and copy the CommCenter plist back to its place. Reboot. IAsign. And enjoy your unlocked iPhone.

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